Monday, May 9, 2011

Whole Grain Pie Crust

Eat Clean Pie Crust (Makes 2 pie crusts)

2 3/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour + extra
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup oil (see notes below/oil is based on pie type)
1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk + an extra 1/4 cup additional

The above is a basic dough recipe that can be adjusted to your pie pilling.

* Making a sweet pie: add cinnamon or another complimentary spice to the dough and use canola or safflower oil

* Making something savory like a quiche: add italian spice or garlic to the dough and use olive oil

Don't overdue on the spice. You want it to compliment, not overwhelm the dish. Just a little will go a long way (1/2 tsp)

Prepare your pie tins
Step 1 – Spray your tin with a coat of spray-on olive oil.
Step 2 – Add about 1/8 cup whole wheat pastry flour to your tin.
Step 3 – Shake your tin around until the flour completely coats the surface. Set aside.
Prepare your dough
Step 1 – Put flour and salt into a mixing bowl and mix.
Step 2 – Measure your soy milk and oil into the same cup.
Step 3 – Mix well by hand until you have a firm dough. Depending on your climate, you may need that extra 1/4 cup of soy milk. I always do. If you add the extra soy milk at the end, it will seem like it was a really bad idea at first. But keep mixing and you’ll end up with a really nice, firm dough. It takes some doing, so don’t give up.
Step 4 – Place your dough on a large piece of parchment paper. Flatten slightly with your hands or rolling pin, and then place another large sheet of parchment paper over the top so the dough is sandwiched in between. Roll with your rolling pin until your dough is about 1/8 in to 1/4 inch thick. You may need to lift the parchment occasionally or flip the whole thing over to get rid of wrinkles in the parchment.
Step 5 – remove the top sheet of parchment, and roll out any wrinkles left in the dough by the parchment. You should have a nice, even and smooth piece of dough. Divide your dough in half.
Step 6 – Place your tin upside down on your dough. Flip the whole thing over, and mold the dough into your tin, being careful not to rip the dough.
Step 7 – Cut the excess dough around the edge of the pan. Keep your knife upright so you get a nice even cut. Crimp with a fork, and then place the whole thing in a large zip lock bag. Place in the freezer and you’ve got Eat Clean pie crust any time you need it!

Recipe provided by the Gracious Pantry &