Monday, February 22, 2010

101 Workouts For Women

In my search to find a book that had it all, I came across a book called "101 Workouts For Women". Now, I'm a big fan of "The Eat-Clean Diet" book, cookbook & e-newsletter (as that's what motivated me to lose 30 lbs and also brings me back each time I wander) and was about to purchase Tosca Reno's workout book & workout journal to add to my set, when I discovered another book sitting in the same section at my favorite bookstore (Borders). I started looking through it and knew right away, this was the one for me (no offense Tosca).

My biggest struggle is with strength training. I don't have the money to hire a personal trainer, but I need the day-to-day guidance. I felt like I was wandering and wasting my time in the women's weight room. I'm never quite sure what I should be doing, which exercises I should be combining, how many, etc, etc. This book takes all the guess work out of it for me as it spells out daily, 6 week, and even 12 week routines that you can follow, along with over 200 fully illustrated exercises. The illustrations are broken down into categories (Abs, Biceps & Triceps, Shoulders, Pectorals, Back, Legs, Upper Body, and Lower Back including glutes) with an easy to use & quick locating index. I feel like this book is what I've been looking for all along.

So if you're serious about losing weight & getting into shape, I will again suggest "The Eat-Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno, combined with my new find "101 Workouts For Women" by the editors of Muscle & Fitness Hers.

My "before I turn 40" goal is to be in the best shape of my life. I want to be lean, strong, and have a fit physique that I'm proud of.

From a biblical standpoint, I also need to remember that God loves my physical body and it is very precious to Him. God states His care and love for my body in Psalm 139 where he says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that our physical bodies are amongst the concern of His thoughts. God has made a future for my body when He will resurrect my body from the dead. God dwells in my physical body and calls it His temple. Our bodies, like temples, are sacred sites where God dwells. What an amazing thought! Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and with that we should have a Christian attitude about our physical bodies.