Monday, August 23, 2010

Be sure to say thank you.....

A woman passed away and found herself standing in heaven. An angel approached and ask her to follow. Along the path they came upon three doors. The angel lead the woman into the room behind the first door. Before her were hundreds of thousands of angles. The woman asked, "why so many angels" and the angel replied "this is the room where all the prayer requests come in". "Wow" the woman thought. This was amazing. They then proceeded to door number two. Behind door number two were again, hundreds of thousands of angels. The woman asked again, "why so many angels in this room" and the angel replied, "this is where the angels answer the prayers". "Amazing" the woman thought. Lastly, the angel lead the woman through door number three. Standing before her there was only one angel. The woman asked, "what does this one angel do" and angel replied "this angel receives the thank you's for all the answered prayers".

When I heard this story, a wave of guilt hit me. How many times have I prayed out to God for healing, for strength, for guidance, for mercy & forgiveness and then forgot to say "thank you". Remember, it may not always be the answer that we were looking for, but He is faithful.....