Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meals On The Run.....

The next couple of months are going to be very hectic for the Gillen house. I've trying to figure out how to get dinner on the table for my family when we have baseball 2 to 3 nights a week and they're starting at 4:15. I decided I needed to drag out the slowcooker and make it a fixed appliance on my countertop for the next couple of months. If I can have at least two slowcooker meals each week, I think I will save myself a lot of headaches. Start it before I head off to work in the morning and then everyone can dig into it when they need to eat and run. Not much for family time, but at least they'll be getting a healthy meal.

Ahhhh, healthy.......well, that leads me to my next issue. Not many of the slowcooker meals I know or slowcooker cookbooks I own would be classified as healthy. So I set out to find one that is and with that I came across "Fix-It and Forget-It Lightly". It has healthy and low-fat recipes for my slowcooker. I picked it up today from Borders (used my 33% off coupon) and am currently looking thru it. Usually I like my cookbooks to have photos (I'm a person that needs to see what it looks like), but unfortunately this book doesn't have them. At first glance, the recipes don't look too difficult, but we shall see. Stay tuned.....I'll let you know what I think.