Monday, January 18, 2010

My "39th" Birthday Party

I had the most enjoyable birthday I've had in years. I first gathered a few of my closest friends and we volunteered our time by packaging food for Haiti at "Feed My Starving Children" ( in Coon Rapids, MN. With all the volunteers there, we packaged enough food to feed 51 people for one year (that's with only one meal a day). The devastation in Haiti is so sad, so the timing of our volunteer work felt wonderful. We then proceeded to the Olive Garden for a great dinner (food that I am very thankful for), wine, conversation, & laughter. It truly was a great night. Sunday, my real birthday, was spent going to church, enjoying the Vikings game at our house with friends from church (GO VIKINGS!!!!), and then our family went to see the movie "The Blind Side". Great movie! Finished the day relaxing with my family. I feel truly blessed to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my tummy, an income to keep that all going, good friends, good neighbors, and a wonderful & beautiful family. God has truly been good to me and I thank Him for all he's provided.