Thursday, December 3, 2009

6-Day Work-out Routine

If you're anything like me, you get bored easily with the same routine. I think that's why I have trouble and can become a yo-yo exerciser. My weakest point is vacations. This last August, I was in really great shape. I was eating great. I was at my perfect weight (thanks to preparing for my 20th class reunion), I was toned from strength-training, and I had a new found love for running. I was running 2-3 miles each workout. I felt great! Then came the vacation the first part of August and everything went downhill from there. I got out of my routine. I ate terrible on vacation, which carried over into being back home. When I got back from sunny California to cold Minnesota (coolest summer we've had in a long time), I got depressed, stopped going to the gym (besides to get a scan on my card to save me $20 a month), and started packing on the pounds once again. It always amazes me how long it takes for the weight to come off, but putting the weight back on takes only a heartbeat. My battle is the mid-section. After 3 kids and no elasticity left in my stomach muscles, my stomach becomes my enemy and gets the best of me. Not to mention the little fat pockets right at your bra line on your back....oh, did I mention the chest gets bigger too. Sure the guys may like that part, but it's not easy to run on the treadmill. The other day I not only had to wear my sports bra, but I had to wear a work-out top with a built in bra just to keep those babies still. Add "aunt flow" into the mix so they're sore as well and you've got a very uncomfortable work-out. What's the solution - back to diet and exercise of course. Everytime I get to this point, I'm miserable, I kick myself, and start all over again to get back into shape & get the extra weight off (vowing of course to never let myself get like this again). The moral of the story is.....don't let yourself get to that point. Diet & Exercise is the key. Two years ago I adapted to eating-clean. Best I've felt in years. You can read about it in my earlier days of blogging. It's what I always go back to when I start to slide and it's what always gets me back to where I need to be. Holidays are not helping right now. We have tons of candy here in the office, we've just come off from Thanksgiving, and I have all thru New Years to go. If I can just limit my splurges and keep up my gym routine, I should be able to make it thru to the new year a thinner & happier me! Here is a nice little work-out routine that I found. It's not complicated and it's manageable. I may not be able to make it to the gym all six days with the kids' schedule, but if I can manage five, I'll be doing good. Enjoy.....

Monday: Steady-paced cardio workout (at least 30 minutes)

Tuesday: Cardio speed/interval workout (at least 30 minutes); total-body strength-training, including at least 2 standing balance exercises (20 to 30 minutes)

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: Cardo speed/interval workout (at least 30 minutes); ab exercises (20 to 30 minutes)

Friday: Total-body strength-training, including at least 2 standing balance exercises (20 to 30 minutes)

Saturday: Steady-paced cardio workout (at least 30 minutes)

Sunday: Cardio speed/interval workout (at least 30 minutes); total-body strength-training, including at least 2 standing balance exercises (20 to 30 minutes)