Monday, March 16, 2009

"Furnace of Affliction"

Do you know how the hardened steel blades of Wilkinson's swords are made? The steel is heated until it is white hot and then it is pounded until it cools. The process is repeated over and over again until the steel is so tough it seldom breaks.

The same is true of your life; you are toughened by the heat and pounding that you get. The Lord told Israel, "Behold, I have refined thee...I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction" (Isaiah 48:10).

If you have been in a furnace of affliction, don't despair or be afraid of what is happening. God is overseeing the process of purification in your life.

It is said that chemists have to be careful while purifying precious metals. They must regulate the heat being applied to the gold and silver. If the heat is too intense, it will burn the impurities into the metal and ruin its value. If they don't apply enough heat, the metal will not be purified and it will be worthless.

In ancient days, the man in charge of purifying silver would heat it until it reached its purest possible state. How did he know when to quit? When the silver was pure enough, he could see his own reflection. Hallelujah!

God may be allowing some heat to come into your life. If so, don't despair! He is the master chemist and will not ruin you. He will only purify you until He can see the reflection of Jesus in your life.