Friday, February 20, 2009

"Honor Roll" by Jan Leisner

This was written by a mother from our school, in honor of Ayo Faniyi. Ayo was my son Garrett's classmate. He passed away unexpectedly 2 weeks ago at the Age of 11:

Today during worship, enthusiasm spilled over into the aisles and around the gym and up and down the platform steps! “I will trust in the Lord my God! I will trust in the one who’s worthy!”

Students and teachers jumped and clapped and danced in praise to Jesus. It was an expression of devotion to God from all the children of Northside Christian School’s K-8th grades. Delightful! But one student was missing.

The 5th-8th graders put up their chairs and moved to the church sanctuary. Mrs. Dvorak presented devotions using ideas from the book Do Hard Things. She challenged us to not be complacent and satisfied with “okay” or “good enough” but to press ahead and strive to go beyond. Each person must evaluate his/her own heart and determine to stretch beyond the easy to do what may be difficult but what is truly valuable. But one student missed devotions.

Pastor Dave then came up to announce the names of the students that made the honor roll. Each person received applause, three hand shakes and a certificate. But one name was called and applauded but he was absent so he didn’t get his certificate.
This evening we got the news that Ayo Faniyi had died. He died in the morning. I don’t know what time it was but I wonder...

Is it possible that while we jumped and praised God, Ayo was escorted into the very throne room of God where heavenly hosts were singing? Could he have been singing with them as we were singing? Is it possible that while we considered the challenge to do hard things that Ayo was getting oriented to his new glorious home? Would he tell us to do everything in our power to serve Jesus? Perhaps while honor roll names were called, Ayo’s name was announced as a new arrival in heaven. Today Ayo went way beyond the honor roll, today he graduated. We are so happy for you, Ayo. We’d like to applaud you and shake your hand but you aren’t here. You will be missed. You will always be on our honor roll

Thank you Jan for that beautiful memorial